Portfolio Site by Maxim Blinov

Hello, that is me ->

My name is Maxim Blinov and at the moment of creating this website I am studying in New York University Abu Dhabi and it is my third year. I am majoring in Computer Science and Interactive Media. This combination comes from an interest in games. Computer Science is to learn how to change the mechanichs of the games and Interactive Media is to apply previous knowledges in practice. I have been developing this website for the past semester for a class called "Communications Lab". It has been very fun and throghout the semester we had to create different projects.

As you can see at the top is the navigation bar that will guide you through the projects.

- The left most tab is a link to the project named "30 minute film festival" project (we had to shoot and edit a film within 30 minutes). Not really proud of it but it is what it is.

- The second tab is the "comic" project where we had to create a comic based on the knowledge that we got in class. I have done the arts and my groupmate has done the website.

- The third tab is the "Audio" project. We had to create a website that interacts with the user and involves audio. Won't give away any spoilers, just check it out.

- The next tab is the "Video" project. We had to make videos on the given promts and put them all together into a website.

- The next tab is the "Documentation" tab which describes in detail about every project.

- The final tab is the "project from another class". It is a work that I'm proud of and I just wanted to keep it safe on a server. It is a website designed for academic technology which tracks the equipment.